
End of an Era!

End of an Era!

It's the end of an era, and the beginning of a new chapter in the sunshine. Read on to find out whats next for Lady Jane!

End of an Era!

It's the end of an era, and the beginning of a new chapter in the sunshine. Read on to find out whats next for Lady Jane!

Independent Christmas Gift IDeas

12 Days of Indie Christmas Gifts (for me, and y...

Welcome to my very first blog post, bear with me! We've just launched our first website, I have stock in various places around the globe in transit, #TakeBackBlackFriday week is...

12 Days of Indie Christmas Gifts (for me, and y...

Welcome to my very first blog post, bear with me! We've just launched our first website, I have stock in various places around the globe in transit, #TakeBackBlackFriday week is...